~Scowder~, _s._ A hasty toasting, so as slightly to burn, S.; Isl.

_swide_, adustio.

SCOWMAR, _s._ A pirate, a corsair.


Belg. _zee-schuymer_, a sea-rover.

SCOWRY, _adj._ Showery, S.


A. S. _scur_, imber.


1. Shabby in appearance, S.


2. Mean in conduct, n.i.g.g.ardly, S. O.

3. Appearing as if dried or parched, S. A.

Corr. from E. _scurvy_.

_Gl. Sibb._

~Scowrie~, _s._ A scurvy fellow, S. O.

_R. Galloway._

SCRAB, _s._

1. A crab-apple.


Belg. _schrabb-en_, mordicare.

2. In pl. stumps of heath or roots, S. B.


SCRABBER, _s._ The Greenland dove.


_To_ SCRALL, _v. n._ To crawl.


_To_ Sc.r.a.pE, _v. n._ To express scorn, Fife.

V. ~Scorp~.

Sc.r.a.pIE, _s._ A miser, S.

_To_ SCREED, SKREED, _v. a._

1. To rend, S.


2. To defame.


Isl. _skrida_, ruina montium; _skridn-a_, lacerari.

3. To talk frequently and facetiously, S.

_Farmer"s Ha._

~Screed~, ~Skreed~, _s._

1. The act of rending, S.

2. The sound made in rending, S.

3. Any loud shrill sound, S.

_J. Nicol._

4. The thing that is torn off, S.

5. A dissertation, a harangue, S.


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