_R. Bruce._

2. Money that is both thin and base.


Su. G. _skorf_, the _scurf_ of a wound.

~Scrufan~, _s._ A thin scurf; as, a _scrufan of ice_, S. B.

Su. G. _skrof_, glacies rara.

SCROPPIT, _adj._ Sordid.

_Bannatyne P._

Belg. _schrobben_, to scrub, _schrobber_, a mean fellow.

SCROW, SKROW, _s._ A scroll, S.


SCROW, _s._ The minute cancri observed in pools and springs, S.



V. ~Scrab~.

SCRUBIE, _s._ The scurvy, S.

Su. G. _skoerbiug_, id.

~Scrubie-gra.s.s~, _s._ Scurvy-gra.s.s, S.

_To_ SCUD, _v. a._

1. To dust with a rod, S.

Su. G. _skudd-a_, excutere.

2. To beat with the open hand, S.

_To_ SCUD, _v. a._ To quaff. Loth.


Teut. _schudden_, Su. G. _skudd-a_, fundere.

SCUDLER, SCUDLAR, _s._ A scullion.

Teut. _schotel_, a plate, a dish.


_To_ ~Scuff~, _v. a._

1. To graze, S.


Teut. _schuyv-en_, Su. G. _skuff-a_, E. _shove_.

2. To tarnish by frequent wearing, S.

3. _To scuff_, or _scuff about_, to wear as a drudge, S.

_To_ SCUG, _v. a._ To shelter.

V. ~Skug~.

SCULDUDRY, _s._ A term used in a ludicrous manner, to denote those causes which respect some breach of chast.i.ty, S.


Isl. _skulld_, a fault; Ir. _sgaldruth_, a fornicator.

SCULL, _s._ A shallow basket, S.

V. ~Skul~.

_Stat. Acc._

_To_ SCULT, SKULT, _v. a._ To beat with the palm of the hand, S.

Isl. _skell_, _skellde_, diverbero palmis.

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