SETTREL, SETTEREL, _adj._ Thickset, S.B.

_Journal Lond._

SETTRIN, SET RENT, _s._ The portion of a servant or cottager, consisting of different kinds of food, Ang. Perths.


SETS, _s. pl._ Corn in small stacks, Loth.

Isl. _sate_, Su. G. _saata_, c.u.mulus foeni.


1. A furrow, S.


2. A gulf.

_Pal. Hon._

Sw. _sog_, colluvies, Lat. _sulc-us_.

_To_ ~Seuch~, _v. a._ To divide.


Lat. _sulc-are_.

SEUIN STERNES, the Pleiades, S.


SEW, _pret. v._ Sowed.


SEWANE, _s._ Uncertain.


SEWAN BELL, Perh. recollection-bell.

Fr. _souvient_.


SEWANS, L. _sewaris_, sewers.


s.e.x, _adj._ Six.

V. ~Sax~.


SH. For words not found printed in this form, V. ~Sch~.


1. A crooked sword, or hanger.


Su. G. Dan. Belg. _sabel_, id.

2. An old rusty sword, S.

3. Any little person or thing, Strathm.

_To_ SHACH, _v. a._ To distort; pret. _shacht_, S.

Isl. _skag-a_, deflectere, _skack-ur_, obliquus.

~Shach-end~ _of a web_, the f.a.g-end, S. B.

_To_ ~Shachle~, _v. a._ To distort from the proper shape or direction, S.


_Shachlin_, unsteady, infirm, S.

~Shachle~, _s._ Any thing worn out, S. B.

_To_ ~Shachle~, ~Shochel~, _v. n._ To shuffle in walking, S.

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