SHEEN _of the ee_, the pupil of the eye, S. B.

SHEEVE, _s._ A slice.

V. ~Shave~.

SHEIMACH, _s._ A kind of ba.s.s made of straw or _sprot_-ropes plaited, on which panniers are hung, Mearns.

_Gl. Sibb._

Gael. _sumag_, a pack-saddle, A. S. _seam_, sarcina jumentaria.

SHEIMACH, _s._ A thing of no value, S. B.

SHEEP-ROT, _s._ b.u.t.terwort, an herb, S. B.

SHEEPS-SILLER, _s._ Common Mica, S.

Sh.e.l.l. _Scarcely out of the sh.e.l.l yet_; applied to young persons who affect something beyond their years, S.

Sh.e.l.lYCOAT, _s._

1. A spirit, supposed to reside in the waters, S.

_Minstr. Bord._

2. A b.u.m-bailiff, Loth.


SHELM, _s._ A rascal.

Fr. id.


SHELTIE, _s._ A horse of the smallest size, S.


Perh. corr. from _Shetland_, Dan. _Hialtland_.

SHEPHROA, _s._ A piece of female dress.


SHEUCH, _s._ A furrow, S.

V. ~Seuch~.

_To_ ~Sheuch~, ~Shugh~, _v. a._ To lay plants in the earth, before they are planted out, S.

_To_ SHEVEL, _v. a._ To distort, S.

_Shevelling-gabbit_, q. having a distorted mouth.

V. ~Showl~.


_To_ ~Shevel~, _v. n._ To walk in an unsteady and oblique sort of way, S.

SHIACKS, _s. pl._ Light black oats, variegated with grey stripes, having beards like barley, S. B.

_Stat. Acc._

Su. G. _skaeck_, variegated.

SHILFA, SHILFAW, _s._ The chaffinch, S.

_Mary Stewart._

SHILFCORN, S.; SELKHORN, _s._ A thing which breeds in the skin, resembling a small maggot. S.


SHILLING, SCHILLING, SHILLEN, _s._ Grain that has been freed from the husk, S.


~Shillin Seeds~, the outermost husk of corn that is ground, after being separated from the grain, S.

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