SHOT-BLED, _s._ The blade from which the ear afterwards issues, S.


_Z. Boyd._

SHOTS, _s. pl._ The buckets of a mill-wheel, S. B.

SHOTT, _s._ An ill-grown ewe, S.O.

_Statist. Acc._

SHOTTLE, _adj._ Short and thick, S. B.

SHOTTLE, _s._ A drawer.

V. ~Shuttle~.

SHOULFALL, _s._ The chaffinch, S.


_To_ SHOWD, _v. n._ To waddle.

V. ~Schowd~.

SHOWERS, _s. pl._ Throes, S.


_To_ SHOWL, _v. a._ To showl one"s mouth, to distort the face, S. B.

_Shevel_, S. O.

Su. G. _skaelg_, Germ. _scheel_, obliquus.

SHUCKEN, _s._ Mill-dues.

V. ~Sucken~.

_To_ SHUE, _v. a._ To scare fowls, S.

Germ. _scheuch-en_, id.

SHUE, _s._ The amus.e.m.e.nt in E. called _Tettertotter_, S.

_To_ ~Shue~, _v. n._ To play at see-saw, S.

~Shuggie-shue~, _s._ A swing, S. from _shog_ and _shue_.

SHUIL, _s._ A shovel.

V. ~Schuil~.

SHUNNERS, _s. pl._ Cinders, Aberd.

_To_ SHUTE ~a-dead,~ to die, S. B.


1. A small drawer, S.


2. A till in a shop, S.

3. A box in a chest, S.

Isl. _skutill_, mensa parva.

SIB, SIBB, _adj._ Related by blood, S.

A. S. _sib_, consanguineus.


~Sibman~, _s._ A relation.


~Sibnes~, _s._

1. Propinquity of blood, S.

_Reg. Maj._

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