SLOP, _s._ A compact body.


Teut. _slepp_, agmen.

_To_ SLORP, _v. a._ To swallow ungracefully; making a noise with the mouth or throat, S. A.

Isl. _slupra_, id.; or O. Teut. _slorpe_, vorago.

SLORPING, _adj._ Tawdry, Roxb.

_Gl. Sibb._

Su. G. _slurfwig_, incuriosus, sordidus.

_To_ SLOT, _v. a._ To fasten by a bolt, S.


Belg. _sluyt-en_, Su. G. _s.l.u.t-a_, claudere.

~Slot~, _s._

1. A bar, a bolt, S.


Teut. _slot_, Belg. _sluyt_, sera, obex.

2. Applied to the mind.


3. A cross-spar fastening the _bulls_ of a harrow, Ang.

SLOT, _s._

1. _Slot of a hill_, a hollow in a hill, or between two ridges, S.

Isl. _slod-r_, res humilis et depressa.

2. _Slot of the breast_, pit of the stomach, S.

SLOT, _s._ Uncertain.


SLOT, _s._ A sum of money, S. B.

_To_ SLOTH, _v. a._

V. ~Sleuth~, _v._

_To_ SLOTTER, _v. n._

1. To pa.s.s time sluggishly, S.


2. To act in a slovenly manner, Loth.


Teut. _slodder-en_, flaccescere.

~Slottry~, _adj._ Drowsy, inactive, Loth.


SLOUNG, _s._ A sling.

V. ~Slong~.

_To_ SLOUNGE, _v. n._ To go about in an indolent way, especially as catering for a dinner, S.

Dan. _slong-er_, Germ. _schlungel-n_, to saunter.

~Sloungin-like~, _adj._ Having a downcast look; or moving like one much fatigued, S.

SLOUPE, _s._ A stupid silly fellow, S. A.

_Gl. Complaynt._

Isl. _sliov-r_, _sliof_, hebes; or the same with ~Slyp~, q. v.

SLOUSSIS, L. _floussis_.

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