Su. G. _s.m.u.ts_, Germ. _schmutz_, macula.

_To_ ~Smot~, _v. a._

1. To stain.

V. ~Smad~.


2. To mark with ruddle, tar, &c. S.

SMOTTRIT, _part. pr._ Besmeared.

V. ~Besmottrit~.


SMOUPSIE, _s._ A stripling, S. B.

_To_ SMOUTTER, _v. n._ To eat often, although little at a time, S. B.

Su. G., pitissare, from _smaa_, parvus.

_To_ SMUE, or SMUDGE, _v. n._ To laugh in one"s sleeve. Loth.

Germ. _schmuts-en_, subridere.

SMUGLY, _adj._ Amorous, sly, being at the same time well dressed.

_Gl. Sibb._

Su. G. _smyck-a_, Belg. _smuyck-en_, ornare.

SMULACHIN, _adj._ Puny, looking poorly, S. B.

Gael. _smeilag_, a pale puny female.


V. ~Smirikin~.

_To_ SMURE, _v. a._

V. ~Smore~.

SMURR, _s._ A drizzling rain, Ayrs. Lanerks.

Teut. _smoor_, fumus, vapor.

_To_ SMURTLE, _v. n._

V. ~Smirtle~.

SMURLIN, _s._ The Mya truncata.


SMUSH, _s._ A sulphurous smell, caused by smoke and dust, Fife.

Germ. _schmutz_, dirt, nastiness.

SNAB, _s._ The projecting part of a rock or hill, S.

_Stat. Acc._

Belg. _snabbe_, a beak or snout.

SNAB, _s._ A shoemaker"s or cobler"s boy, S. A. _sn.o.b_, S. B.

Teut. _snipp-en_, to cut.

SNACK, _adj._

1. Quick in action.


Isl. _snogg_, celer, citus.

2. Quick of apprehension, S.


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