Su. G. _sop-a_, id.


SOUP, SUP, _s._

1. The quant.i.ty of spoonmeat taken into the mouth at once, S.

2. A mouthful of liquor, S.


3. A considerable quant.i.ty of drink, or of any thin food, S.


Isl. _sope_, a draught, _saup_, spoonmeat.

SOUPAND, _part. pr._ Sobbing, or groaning.


A. S. _seof-ian_, ingemiscere.

SOUPLE, _s._ The part of a flail which strikes the grain, S.

_Pop. Ball._

Isl. _sweip-a_, to strike.

SOUR-KIT, _s._ A dish of coagulated cream, S.

_Compl. S._

SOURMILK, _s._ b.u.t.termilk, S.

Sw. _sur mioelk_, id.

SOUROCK, SOURACK, _s._ Sorrel, S.


Germ. _saurach_, Teut. _suerick_, id.

~Sheep"s Sourock~, a species of sorrel.


_To_ SOURSE, _v. n._ To rise.


Lat. _surg-o_, _-exi_, id.

SOUSE, _s._ A French sol, O. Fr. _solz_.


SOUST FEET, cow-heel, S.



1. A shoemaker, S. A. S. _sutere_, Lat. _sutor_.


2. One who makes _brogues_ or shoes of horse-leather, Ang.

~Souter"s Brandy~, a cant phrase for b.u.t.termilk, Aberd.


SOUTH, _s._ A whistling sound.


Teut. _sucht_, a sigh; or a corr. of ~Souch~.

SOUTHRON, SOTHERON, SOUDRON, _s._ A contemptuous designation for an Englishman, corr. _Southern_.

V. ~Sodrown~.

_Minstr. Bord._

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