V. ~Spald~.

SPEANLIE, _adv._ Uncertain.


SPECHT, _s._ A wood-p.e.c.k.e.r, S.


Germ. _specht_, Sw. _specke_, id.

SPECIALTe, _s._ Peculiar regard.


SPECTACLES (of a fowl), _s. pl._ The merry-thought, S.

_To_ SPEDE, _v. n._ To speed, E.


A. S. _sped-ian_, Alem. id., Belg. _spoed-en_.

~Spede~, _s._ _To c.u.m spede_, to have success, S.


SPEEN-DRIFT, SPINDRIFT, _s._ The snow when drifted from the ground by a whirling motion, S. B.; _spune-drift_, S. A.

_Journ. Lond._

Q. _spinning_ drift, from its whirling motion.

SPEERE, _s._ A hole in the wall of a house, through which the family received and answered the inquiries of strangers.

V. ~Spire~, s.


SPEICE, _s._ Pride.


SPEIDFUL, _adj._ Expedient.


From A. S. _sped_, success.

SPEIK, _s._ Speech.

V. ~Spek~.

SPEIKINTARE, _s._ Supposed to be the sea-swallow.

_Stat. Acc._

_To_ SPEIL, _v. n._ To climb.

V. ~Spele~.

_To_ SPEIR, _v. a._ To ask, S.

V. ~Spere~.

SPEK, SPEIK, _s._ Speech.


_To_ SPELD, _v. a._ To expand.


Germ. _spelt-en_, Su. G. _spial-a_, to divide.

~Spelding~, ~Speldev~, ~Speldrin~, _s._ A small fish split, and dried in the sun, S.


_To_ ~Spelder~, _v. a._ To spread open, S.

_To_ SPELE, SPEIL, _v. n._ To climb, S.

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