STAMMACK, STAMMA, _s._ The stomach, S.

~Stammagust~, _s._ A disgust at food, S. B.

S. _stamma_, and _gust_, q. v.

_To_ STAMMER, _v. n._ To stagger, S.

Isl. _stumr-a_, collabi.

_Sir J. Sinclair._

STAMMEREL, _s._ Friable stone, S. B.

STAMP, _s._ A trap, S.

Su. G. _stampa_, Dan. _stomp_, id.

STAMP, _s._ Demur.


Belg. _stemp-en_, sistere.

STANCE, _s._

1. A station, S. Fr.

_Muses" Thren._

2. A pause, a stop, S.


~Stanc"d~, _part. pa._ Stationed.


_To_ STANCHE, _v. a._ To a.s.suage.


Fr. _estanch-er_, id.

STANCh.e.l.l, _s._ A kind of hawk.


Apparently the _Steingal_ of Turner.

STAND, _s._

1. The gaol.


Teut. _stand_, statio.

2. A stall, as in a market, S.

_Burr. Lawes._

STAND, _s._ A barrel set on end, S.

STAND _of claise_, a complete suit, S.


_To_ STAND _one_, _v. a._ To cost, S.

STANDFORD, _s._ Perhaps, one of mean extraction.


A. S. _stand-an feoran_, stare procul.

STANE, _s._ A stone, S., _steen_, S. B.

_Chr. Kirk._

A. S. _stan_, Su. G. _sten_, Isl. _stein_, id.

~Stane-cast~, _s._ The distance to which a stone may be thrown, S.

Isl. _steinkast_, id.

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