
Belg. _sterv-en_, Germ. _sterf-en_, id.

_To_ ~Steruen~, _v. a._ To kill.

_K. Quair._

A. S. _steorf-an_, Germ. _sterf-en_, id.


1. A thorn; any thing sharp-pointed, S. B.

Germ. _stich_, punctum; _stech-en_, pungere.

2. A rusty dart, Aberd.

_P. Buch. Dial._

3. A hasty st.i.tch with a needle, S. B.

_To_ ~Steug~, _v. a._ To sew slightly and coa.r.s.ely, S. B.

STEUEN, _s._ Judgment.

_Sir Tristrem._


1. The voice, S. B.


2. Sound, a note.


Moes. G. _stibna_, A. S. _stefne_, vox.

STEUIN, _s._ The prow of a ship.


Isl. _stafn_, _stefn_, Belg. _steven_, prora.

_To_ ~Steuin~, _v. a._ To direct the course of a ship towards a certain point.


Isl. _stefn-a_, proram aliquo dirigere.


1. Vapour, S.


2. Smoke, S.


3. Dust.


Isl. _styfa_, vapor; Su. G. _stoef_, dust.

~Mill-stew~, _s._ The dust which flies about a mill, S.

Germ. _muhlstaub_.

~Stewatt~, _s._ One in a state of violent perspiration.

V. ~Stuvat~.

_Gl. Sibb._

STEWYN, _s._ Doom.


Moes. G. _stau-an_, to judge; Isl. _stef-na_, an action at law.

STY, _s._ A strait ascent.

_Sir Tristrem._

Su. G. Isl. _stig_, A. S. _stiga_, semita.

STIBBLE, _s._ Stubble. S.

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