_To_ THEIK, THEK, _v. a._

1. To give a roof, of whatever kind, S.


2. To cover with straw, &c. to thatch, S.

A. S. _thecc-an_, Alem. _thek-en_, Isl. _thaeck-a_, id.

THEIVIL, THIVEL, _s._ A stick for stirring a pot; as, in making porridge, broth, &c. S. B. _thivel_, Ayrs. Fife, A. Bor. _theil_.


A. S. _thyfel_, stirps, a stem or stalk.


1. A serf, one attached to the soil.


2. The right of holding servants in such a state of bondage, that their children and goods might be sold.


A. S. _team_, offspring; or from Isl. _thi-a_, in servitutem reducere.

THEN, _conj._ Than, S.

THERE-BEN, _adv._

V. ~Thairben~.

THETIS, THETES, _s. pl._

1. The ropes or traces, by which horses draw in a carriage, plow or harrow, S.


2. _To be quite out of thetes_, to be quite disorderly in one"s conduct, S.


Isl. _thatt-r_, a thread, cord, or small rope.

THEW, _s._ Custom, manner, quality.

A. S. _theaw_, mos, modus.


~Thewit~, _part. pa._ Disciplined, regulated.

A. S. _theaw_, inst.i.tutum.

_Pal. Hon._

~Thewless~, ~Thowless~, ~Thieveless~, _adj._

1. Unprofitable.


A. S. _theow_, a servant, or _theow-ian_, to serve, and the privative particle _les_, less.

2. Inactive, remiss, S.


3. Not serving the purpose; as, _a thieveless excuse_, S.

4. Cold, forbidding, S.


_To look thieveless_ to one, to give one a cold reception, S. O.

5. Shy, reserved, Renfrews.

6. Applied to weather in an intermediate or uncertain, state, Renfrews.

7. Feeble.

_J. Nicol._

8. Insipid, dest.i.tute of taste, S.


THEWTILL, THEWITTEL, _s._ A large knife.


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