1. To bear, to suffer, S.


A. S. _thol-ian_, Moes. G. _thul-an_, Isl. _thol-a_, id.

2. To bear with, not to oppose.

_Abp. Hamiltoun._

3. To bear patiently, S.


4. To restrain one"s self; as a _v. n._


5. To tolerate, in relation to heresy.


6. To exempt from military execution.


7. To permit, to allow, S.


8. To wait, to expect, S.

_Abp. Hamiltoun._

9. _To thole the law_, to be subjected to a legal trial.

_Acts Ja. I._

~Tholmude~, ~Thoilmude~, _adj._ Patient; _tholemoody_, S. B.


A. S. _thole-mod_, _tholmoda_, patiens animi.

THONE, _p.r.o.n._ Yonder, Loth. _yon_, S.

Moes. G. _thana_, id.; O. Su. G. _thoen_, ille, iste.

THOR, _s._ Durance, confinement.

Sw. _thor_, carcer.

_Gl. Sibb._

THORROWS. _s. pl._ Troubles.


A. S. _threow-ian_, pati.

_To_ THORTER, _v. a._ To oppose, to thwart, S.


~Thortour~, _s._ Opposition, resistance, S.


~Thorter-ill~, ~Thwarter-ill~, _s._ A kind of palsy to which sheep are subject, Tweedd.

_Stat. Acc._

~Thortour~, ~Thuortour~, _adj._ Cross, transverse.


Su. G. _twertoefwer_, transverse; Dan. _twertover_, transversely.

_To_ THOW, _v. a._ To address in the singular number, as a token of contempt.



1. A moment, as respecting time, S.

2. At a little distance, in respect of place, S. B.


_To_ THOUT, _v. n._ To sob, S. B.

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