TURCHIE, _adj._ Short and thick, squat, Perths.

Gael. _dorcha_, gross; or radically the same with ~Durgy~.

TURc.u.mE, _s._ Clotted filth.


C. B. _tywarchen_, a covering, a stratum, Owen; clotty, Richards.

t.u.r.dION, _s._ A species of galliard or gay dance; Fr. _tordion_.

_Compl. S._

TURKAS, TURKES, TURKESSE, _s._ Pincers, nippers, S.


Arm. _turcques_, _turkes_, id.

TURN, _s._ _To do the turn_.

1. To perform any piece of work or business, S.

_Reg. Maj._

2. To be sufficient for any purpose; to give satisfaction, S.


TURNER, _s._ A copper coin, formerly current in S., in value two pennies Scots money, and equivalent to a _Bodle_.


Fr. _tournois_, the _tenth_ part of a penny Sterling.

TURNGREYS, _s._ A winding stair.


Fr. _tourn-er_, to turn, and _gre_, a step.

TURN-TAIL, _s._ A fugitive.



1. The winding stair of a castle.


2. Any stair of a spiral form, built without a house, S.


Teut. _torn_, a tower; _baecke_, a place for observation.

_To_ TURS, TURSS, _v. a._

1. To pack up in a bale or bundle, S.

2. To carry off hastily.


3. To take one"s self off quickly.


4. _To turss furth_, to bring out what has been kept in store.


~Tursable~, _adj._ What may be carried away.


TURTOUR, TURTURE, _s._ The turtle-dove.

Lat. _turtur_.

_King"s Quair._

TUSCHe, _s._ A girdle.

V. ~Tische~.

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