UNFRELIE, UNFREELY, _adj._ Not handsome.

V. ~Frely~.



1. Frail, feeble, S. B.

2. Heavy, unweildy, S. B.

Isl. _un_, negat., and _fralig-r_, fleet; also powerful.

UNFREND, UNFRIEND, _s._ An enemy, O. E.


Teut. _on-vriend_, inimicus, parum amicus.


_Priests Peblis._

A. S. _fota-sare_, dolor pedum, with the negat. prefixed.

UNGAND, _part. pr._ Unfit, not becoming,


UNGEIR"D, UNGEARIT, _adj._ Not clad, unharnessed.

V. ~Geir~.

_Gl. Shirr._

UNGLAID, _adj._ Sorrowful.


A. S. _un-gladu_, tristis.

UNHALSIT, _part. pa._ Not saluted.

V. ~Halles~.


UNHEARTSOME, _adj._ Melancholy.


_To_ UNHEILD, _v. a._ To uncover.

V. ~Heild~.

_Pal. Hon._

A. S. _unhel-an_, revelare.

UNHELE, _s._ Pain, suffering.


A. S. _un-hele_, crux, tormentum.

UNHIT, _part. pa._ Not named.

V. ~Hat~.


UNHONEST, _adj._ Dishonourable.


Lat. _inhonest-us_; Fr. _inhoneste_.

~Unhonestie~, _s._ Injustice.

_Acts Ja. VI._

UNIRKIT, _adj._ Unwearied.


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