~Wodspur~, _s._ A forward, unsettled, and fiery person, S.


V. ~Widdersinnis~.

WODEWALL, WOOD WEELE, _s._ Variously explained, as a thrush, a wood-lark, a redbreast.

_Pop. Ball._

WODROISS, _s._ A savage; perh. rather _wodwiss_.


A. S. _wude-wase_, satyra, faunus.

WOFT, _s._ The woof.

V. ~Waft~.

_To_ WOID, _v. a._ To divide.


WOYELEY, _adv._ Wickedly.

_Sir Gawan._

A. S. _wolice_, prave, inique; _wo-lic_, pravus.

WOIK, _pret. v._ Fled, wandered.


A. S. _woc_, _woce_, ortus est, from _waec-an_, suscitari.

WOYNE, _s._ Perh. labour.

_Maitland P._

Sw. _wonda_, difficultas; _wond-a_, laborare.

WOISTARE, WOUSTOUR, _s._ A boaster, S. _vouster_.

V. ~Voust~.


WOLK, _pret._ Walked.


WOLROUN, _s._ Perh. impotent person.


Su. G. _gall_, testiculus; Teut. _ruyn-en_, castrare.

_To_ WOLTER, _v. a._ To overturn.

_Maitland P._

Teut. _woelter-en_, volutare.

~Wolter~, _s._ An overturning, a change productive of confusion; S.



WOMENTING, _s._ Lamentation.

V. ~Wayming~.


_To_ WOMPLE, _v. a._ To wrap.

V. ~Wimpil~.

_To_ WON, _v. n._ To be able, to have any thing in one"s power.

V. ~Win~, _v. n._

_To_ WON, WIN, WYN, _v. n._ To dwell, S.

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