
A. S. _gese_, _gise_, _gyse_, immo, etiam.

YHUDE, _pret._ Went.

V. ~Yede~.

YHULL, _s._ Christmas.

V. ~Yule~.


1. A person of inferior station; as, a husbandman or farmer.

_Reg. Maj._

Teut. _ghe-meyn_, A. S. _geman_, communis, vulgaris.

2. It seems to signify a farmer"s servant.


3. A peasant or inhabitant of the country employed as a foot-soldier.


4. A soldier on horseback.


~Yhumanry~, _s._ The peasantry armed as foot soldiers.


YIE, _term_ (printed _Zie_).

V. ~Ye~.

YIELD OF THE DAY, the influence of the sun; also the height of the day, Ang.

From E. _yield_, as denoting that the frost gives way.

YILL, _s._ Ale, S. O. and A.


A. S. _eale_, id.

~Yill-wife~, _s._ A woman who brews and sells ale, S.

_Gl. Sibb._

_To_ ~Yill~, _v. a._ To entertain with ale, a term commonly used by the vulgar, S. O. to denote one special mode in which a lover entertains his _Dulcinea_ at a fair or market.

YIM, _s._ A particle, an atom; the smallest portion of any thing, Ang.; at times p.r.o.n. as if _nyim_; perhaps q. _ane yim_.

Su. G. _em_, _im_, _ime_, vapour; Isl. _hiom_, the most minute object.

_To_ YYM, _v. a._ To keep.

~Yimmit~, kept.

V. ~Yeme~.

YING, YYNG, _adj._ Young.

O. E. id.


YIRDIN, _s._ Thunder, S. B.

V. ~Erddyn~.

_To_ YIRM, _v. n._

1. To whine, to complain, S.

2. To ask in a querulous tone; implying the idea of continuation, S.

Isl. _harm-a_, lugeo, plango; _harm-r_, luctus; G. Andr. p. 107.

_Jarm-a_, balare, _jarm-r_, lamentatio.

_To_ YYRNE, _v. n._ To coagulate, to curdle.

V. ~Earn~.

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