
BRAZE, _s._ A roach.

V. ~Braise~.

BRAZARS, _s. pl._ Armour for the arms.

V. ~Braseris~.

_To_ BRE.

V. ~Biggit~.

_K. Hart._

BRE, BREE, _s._ The eye-brow, S. B.


"He moved neither _ee nor bree_; i. e. eye nor eyebrow."

V. ~Bra~.


A. S. _breg_, palpebra; Isl. _braa_.

BREADBERRY, _s._ That food of children, which in E. is called _pap_, S.

Perhaps from _bread_ and A. Bor. _berry_, to beat; q. "bruised bread."

BREAK, _s._ A division of land in a farm, S.

_Statist. Acc._

_To_ BREAK, _v. a._ To disappoint, S. B. "_I"se no break you_, I shall not disappoint you," Shirr. Gl.

Isl. _bregd-a_, frustrari aliquem.

BREAK (_of a hill_) _s._ A hollow in a hill, S.

Isl. _breck-a_, crepido, declivitas.

BREARDS, _s. pl._ The short flax recovered from the first tow, by a second hackling. The tow, thrown off by this second hackling, is called _backings_.

_Edin. Courant._

_To_ BREAST, _v. n._ To spring up or forward; a term applied to a horse, S.


From the action of the _breast_ in this effort.

~Breast-woddie~, _s._ That part of the harness of a carriage-horse, which goes round the breast, S. B.

V. ~Rig-Widdie~.

_Journal Lond._

BRECHAME, BRECHEM, _s._ The collar of a working-horse, S.

V. ~Haims~.

_Bannatyne Poems._

_Baurghwan_ is used in the same sense, A. Bor. Gael. Ir. _braigh_, the neck; whence _braighaidain_, a collar. The last syllable has more resemblance of Teut. _hamme_, a collar.

BREDDIT, _part. pa._ Apparently, wreathed.

_Palice of Hon._

A. S. _bred-an_, Teut. _breyd-en_, to wreathe.

BREDE, WYNTER-BREDE, _s._ Provisions for winter.


This may be merely _bread_. But Isl. _braad_ is rendered, praeda, esca, carnivori animalis.

BREDIR, _s. pl._ Brethren.

V. ~Brodir~.


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