BURN, _s._

1. Water, particularly that which is taken from a fountain or well S.


Moes. G. _brunna_, Su. G. _brunn_, Isl. _brunn-ur_, Germ. _brun_, Teut. _burn_, _borne_, a well, a fountain; Belg. _bornwater_, water from a well. A rivulet, a brook. S. A. Bor.


2. E. bourn. In this sense only A. S. _burn_, and _byrna_, occur; or as signifying a torrent.

3. The water used in brewing, S. B.


4. Urine, S. B. "To make one"s _burn_," mingere. Germ. _brun_, urina.

~Burnie~, ~Burny~, is sometimes used as a dimin. denoting a small brook, S.


_To_ BURN, _v. a._

1. One is said to be _burnt_, when he has suffered in any attempt. _Ill burnt_, having suffered severely, S.


2. To deceive, to cheat in a bargain, S. One says that he has been _brunt_, when overreached. These are merely oblique senses of the E. v.

BURNET, _adj._ Of a brown colour.


Fr. _brunette_, a dark brown stuff formerly worn by persons of quality.

BURNEWIN, _s._ A cant term for a blacksmith, S.


"_Burn-the-wind_,--an appropriate term," N.

BURNT SILVER, BRINT SILVER, silver refined in the furnace.

_Acts Ja. II._

Isl. _brendu silfri_, id. Snorro Sturleson shews that _skirt silfr_, i. e. pure silver, and _brennt silfr_, are the same.

BURR, BURRH, _s._ The whirring sound made by some people in p.r.o.nouncing the letter _r_; as by the inhabitants of Northumberland, S.

_Statist. Acc._

This word seems formed from the sound.

BURRA, _s._ The most common kind of rush, Orkn.; there the Juncus squarrosus.

BURRACH"D, _part. pa._ Inclosed.

V. ~Bowrach"d.~

_To_ BURRIE, _v. a._ To overpower in working, to overcome in striving at work, S. B.

Allied perhaps to Fr. _bourrer_, Isl. _ber-ia_, to beat.

BURRY, _adj._


Either rough, s.h.a.ggy, from Fr. _bourru_, "flockie, hairie, rugged,"

Cotgr. or savage, cruel, from Fr. _bourreau_, an executioner.

V. ~Burio~.


V. ~Mail~.

BURSAR, _s._ One who receives the benefit of an endowment in a college, for bearing his expences during his education there, S.

_Buik of Discipline_.

L. B. _Bursar-ius_, a scholar supported by a pension; Fr.

_boursier_, id. from L. B. _bursa_, an ark, Fr. _bourse_, a purse.

_Bourse_ also signifies "the place of a pensioner in a college," Cotgr.

~Bursary~, ~Burse~, _s._ The endowment given to a student in a university, an exhibition, S.

_Statist. Acc._

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