_To_ ~Cave~ _over_, _v. n._ To fall over suddenly, S.

_Melvill"s MS._

~Cave~, _s._

1. A stroke, a push, S.

2. A toss.

Isl. _akafr_, c.u.m impetu, vehementer.

_To_ ~Cave~, _v. a._

1. To separate grain from the broken straw, after threshing, S. B.

2. To separate corn from the chaff, S. A.

Teut. _kav-en_, eventilare paleas; or the v. both as signifying to toss, and to separate, may be viewed as the same with Isl. _kaf-a_ volutare; _kafa i heya_, to toss, ted, or _cave_ hay.


1. Expl. "a rod, a pole, a long staff."

_Chr. Kirk._

Su. G. _kafle_, pertica, bacillus; Germ. _keule_, a club.

2. A lot, S. _keul_, S. A.

Hence, "to cast _cavels_," to cast lots. _Cavel_, id. Northumb.


3. By Rudd. _cavillis_ is not only translated lots, but "responses of oracles."


4. State appointed, allotment in Providence, S. B.


5. A division or share of property, as being originally determined by lot, S. B.

_Law Case._

Su. G. Isl. _kafle_, which primarily means a rod, is transferred to a lot in general. Teut. _kavel_, a lot, _kavel-en_, to cast lots.

_To_ ~Cavell~, _v. a._ To divide by lot, S. B.

_Law Case._

CAVIE, _s._ A hencoop, S.

_J. Nicol._

Teut. _kevie_, id. aviarium, Lat. _cavea_.

CAUIS, 3. _p. sing._ Falls suddenly over.

V. ~Cave~ _over_, _v._


CAUITS, _s. pl._ Apparently, cat-calls. From S. _caw_, to call.


CAULD, _s._ A dam-head, S. A.

_Lay Last Minstrel._

Teut. _kade_, a small bank.

CAULD BARK, "To lie in the _cauld bark_," to be dead, S. B.


Perhaps a corr. of A. S. _beorg_, sepulchre, q. cold grave.

CAULER, _adj._ Cool.

V. ~Callour~.


V. ~Calmes~.

CAUPE, CAUPIS, CAULPES, CALPEIS, _s._ An exaction made by a superior, especially by the Head of a clan, on his tenants and other dependants, for maintenance and protection, under the name of a _benevolence_. This was generally the best horse, ox or cow the retainer had in his possession.

_Acts Ja. IV._

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