_To_ CLAG, _v. a._ To clog by adhesion, S.


Dan. _klaeg_, viscous, glutinous, sticky; Isl. _kleggi_, ma.s.sa compacta.

~Claggy~, _adj._ Unctuous, adhesive, bespotted with mire, S.

V. the _v._

~Claggock~, _s._ "A dirty wench," Gl. Sibb.


CLAHYNNHe, CLACHIN. _s._ Clan or tribe of people living in the same district.


Gael., Ir. _clan_, id. Moes. G. _klahaim_, children.

CLAYIS, _s. pl._ Clothes, S.

V. ~Claith~.

_To_ CLAIK, _v. n._

1. To make a clucking noise, as a hen does, especially when provoked, S.

2. To cry incessantly, and impatiently, for any thing, S.

3. To talk a great deal in a trivial way, S.; to _clack_, E.

4. To tattle, to report silly stories, S.

Isl. _klak-a_, clango, avium vox propria; _klack-a_, to prattle; Su. G. _klaek_, reproach.

~Claik~, _s._

1. The noise made by a hen, S.

Isl. _klak_, vox avium.

2. An idle or false report; S.


CLAIK, CLAKE, _s._ The bernacle; Anas erythropus (mas) Linn.


It seems to have been supposed, that this goose received its name from its _claik_, or the noise which it makes.

CLAIR, _adj._

1. Distinct, exact, S. B.


Fr. _clair_, evident, manifest, Lat. _clarus_.

2. Ready, prepared, S. B. _clar_, Orkn.

Dan. _klar_, id.


_To_ CLAIR, _v. a._ To beat, to maltreat.


_Clearings_ is used metaph. both for scolding, and for beating, Clydes.

CLAISE, Clothes.

V. ~Claith~.

CLAITH, CLAYTH, _s._ Cloth, S., Westmorel.

_Abp. Hamiltoun._

_Clais_, _claise_, _claes_, S. pl. Westmorel., also c.u.mb.

A. S. _clath_, cloth; _clatha_, Isl. Su. G. _klaede_, clothes.

_To_ CLAIVER, _v. n._ To talk idly or foolishly.

V. ~Claver~.

CLAM, _adj._

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