COOKIE, _s._ A species of fine bread used at tea, of a round form, S.

Teut. _koeck_, lib.u.m.

COOLRIFE, _adj._

1. Cool, cold, S.


2. Indifferent, S.

V. ~Cauldrife~.

COOM, _s._ The wooden frame used in building the arch of a bridge, S.

_Statist. Acc._

Allied perhaps to _Queme_, q. v.

COOP, COUP-CART, _s._ A cart made close with boards, S.

_Statist. Acc._

Teut. _kuype_, a large vessel for containing liquids.

COOT, _s._ The ancle.

V. ~Cute~.

COOTH, _s._ A young coalfish.

V. ~Cuth~.

COOTIE, _adj._ A term applied to fowls whose legs are clad with feathers, S.


COP, COPE, _s._ A cup or drinking vessel.

A. S. _cop_, Isl. _kopp_, id.


COPOUT. "_To play copout_," to drink off all that is in a cup or drinking vessel; _cap-out_, S.


COPE, _s._ A coffin; "a _cope_ of leid," a leaden coffin.

V. ~Caip~.


_To_ COPe _betuene_, to divide.

_King Hart._

Fr. _coup-er_, to cut, to cleave.

COPER, _s._ A dealer.

V. ~Couper~.

COPY, _s._ Plenty, abundance.


Lat. _copia_.

COPPER, _s._ A cupbearer.

_Palice of Hon._

Evidently from A. S. _cop_, a cup.

COPPIN, _part. pa. Coppin in hevin_, elevated to heaven.

_King"s Quair._

A. S. _cop_, the summit.


1. A dirge, a lamentation for the dead, S.

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