2. Tallow, when first bruised by the candlemaker, in its impure state, S.

Su. G. _krak_, quisquiliae.

CRAFT, _s._ Croft, a piece of ground, adjoining to a house.

A. S. _croft_, id.


1. The neck, S.

_Complaynt S._

2. The throat, S.


Teut. _kraeghe_, jugulus.

~Craiged~, _adj._ Having a neck or throat, S.


~Craigagee~, _adj._ Wrynecked, S.

V. ~Agee~.

~Cragbane~, _s._ The collar-bone.


~Crage Claith~, _s._ A neckcloth, a cravat, S.

Sw. _krageclud_, id.

CRAIG, _s._ A rock, S.


C. B. _kraig_, Gael. _creog_, rupes.

~Craig-Flook~, s. A species of flounder.


~Craig-Herring~, _s._ The Shad.


~Craiglugge~, _s._ The point of a rock, S.


~Craigy~, _adj._ Rocky.


CRAYAR, CREAR, _s._ A kind of lighter.

_Acts Marie._

L. B. _craiera_, id. Sw. _krejare_, a small vessel with one mast.

_To_ CRAIK, _v. n._

1. Used to denote the cry of a hen after laying; or when dissatisfied, S.


2. To call for any thing, with importunity and impatience, S.

Teut. _kraeck-en_, crepare, strepere.

~Crakyng~, _s._ The clamour of a fowl, S.


CRAIK, _s._ A kind of little ship.


CRAIL-CAPON, _s._ A haddock dried, but not split, Loth., denominated from Caraill, a town in Fife.

CRAIT, CREET, _s._ A sort of basket in which window-gla.s.s is packed, S.

Germ. _kraet_, corbis.

_To_ CRAK.

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