1. Insane, S.


2. Unsettled in mind, S.


Lat. _demens_, insane.

~Dementation~, _s._ Derangement.



1. A judge, S. B.

2. The officer of a court, who p.r.o.nounces doom.

_Justice Air._

A. S. _dem-an_, to judge.

DEMT, _part. pa._ Judged, doomed.


DEN, _s._ A hollow.

V. ~Dean~.

DEN, _s._

1. A respectful t.i.tle prefixed to names.

V. ~Dan~.


2. A dean.


_To_ DEN, _v. a._ To dam.


DENCE, _adj._ Danish.

_G.o.dly Ball._

~Densman~, _s._ A Dane.


DENK, _adj._

1. Trim.

V. ~d.i.n.k~.


2. Saucy, nice.


DENSAIXES, _s. pl._ Danish axes.

_Statist. Acc._

DENT, DINT, _s._ Affection.

_To tyne dent_ of a person or thing, to lose regard, Ang.


DENT, _part. pa._ Indented.

Fr. _dente_, id.

_Gawan and Gol._

DENTILIOUN, _s._ Dandelion, an herb, S.

Fr. _dent de lyon_.

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