
~Efter~, ~Eftir~, _prep._ After.

A. S. _eftyr_, id.

_Abp. Hamiltoun._

~Eftir ane~, _adv._ Uniformly, S.


~Eftirhend~, _adv._ Afterwards, S.

_Abp. Hamiltoun._

Su. G. _efter_, and _haen_, hence, dehinc, posthac.

~Efterhend~, _prep._ After. Id.

~Eftremess~, _s._ A dessert.


A. S. _aefter_ and _mess_, a meal.

EFTSYIS, _adv._ Ofttimes, Rudd.


A. S. _eft_, iterum, and _sithe_, vice.

EGG-BED, _s._ The ovarium of a fowl, S.

EGGLAR, _s._ One who collects _eggs_ for sale, S. A.

EY, A termination of the names of many places; signifying an island, also written _ay_, _a_, or _ie_.

Isl. _ey_, id.

EIDENT, _adj._ Diligent.

V. ~Ithand~.

EIDER DOUN, Down of the eider duck.

Sw. _eiderdun_, id.


EYE-LIST, _s._ A flaw.

V. ~Ee-List~.

EYEN, _pl._ Eyes.

V. ~Een~.

EIFFEST, _adv._ Especially.


Isl. _efst-r_, supremus.

EIK, _p.r.o.n._ Each.


EIK, EKE, _s._ An addition, S.


EIK, _s._ Lineament used for greasing sheep, S. A.

_To_ EILD, ELD, _v. n._ To wax old.

A. S. _eald-ian_, veterascere.


~Eild~, ~Eld~, _s._

1. Any particular period of life, S.


_Euin eild_, Equal in age.

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