Teut. _wegghe_, lib.u.m oblongum; Fr. _fouace_, a thick cake.

3. A l.u.s.ty and clumsy woman, S.


_To_ FADLE, FAIDLE, _v. n._ To waddle, Ang.

FADOM, _s._ A fathom, S.

Isl. _fadm-r_.

f.a.gALD, _s._ f.a.ggot.


FAY, _s._

1. Faith, O. Fr. _fe_.


2. Fidelity, allegiance.


_To_ FAIK, _v. a._ To grasp.


Fland. _fack-en_, apprehendere.

_To_ FAIK, _v. a._ To fold, S.


Sw. _veck_, a fold.

~Faik~, _s._

1. A fold, S. B.

_Bannatyne P._

2. A plaid, Ang. _Faikie_, Aberd.

_Journal Lond._

FAIK, _s._ A stratum of stone, Loth.

FAIK, _s._ The razor-bill, a bird.


_To_ FAIK, _v. a._

1. To lower the price of any commodity, Loth. Perths.

2. To let go with impunity, Loth.

Su. G. _falk-a_, to cheapen.

_To_ FAIK, FAICK, _v. n._ To fail, S. B.

Su. G. _wik-a_, cedere.


_To_ FAIK, _v. n._ To stop, S. B.



1. Any gra.s.sy part of the surface of the ground.


2. A flat gra.s.sy clod cut from the sward, S.


Su. G. _wall_, (p.r.o.n. _vall_), sward.

~Fail-d.y.k.e~, _s._ A wall built of sods, S.

_Minstrelsy Border._

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