_To_ FICKLE, _v. a._ To puzzle, Loth.


A. S. _ficol_, versipellis, Su. G. _vickla_, complicare, _in-vekla_ to puzzle.

~Fickly~, _adj._ Puzzling, Loth.

FIDDER, _s._ A mult.i.tude.

V. ~Fudder~.


_To_ FIDDLE, _v. n._ To trifle, though apparently busy, S.

Isl. _fitl-a_, leviter attingere.

FYDRING, _s._ Confederation.


FIE, _s._ Sheep.

V. ~Fe~.

FIEL, _Burns_.

V. ~Feil~, _adj._

FIER, _s._ Sound.

V. ~Fere~.

_A. Douglas._

FIERCELINGS, _adj._ Violent, S. B.


~Fiercelings~, _adv._ Violently, S. B.


FIERY, _s._

1. Bustle, confusion, S.

2. Rage, p.r.o.n. _fieroch_, _furoch_, Perths.

Su. G. _fir-a_, to celebrate.

~Fiery-fary~, _s._

1. Bustle, S.


2. Shew, pretended bustle.


FIESE WILK, Striated whelk.

V. ~Feeze~.


FIFT, Houlate. L. _in fist_.

FY-GAE-BY, _s._ A ludicrous designation for the diarrhoea, S.

FYELL, PHIOLL, _s._ A round vaulted tower.

_Palice Hon._

Lat. _Phalae_, towers of an oval form.

FIGMALIRIE, _s._ A whim.


Apparently the same with _Whigmaleerie_, q. v.

_To_ FIKE, FYKE, FEIK, _v. n._

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