~Flutchy~, _adj._ Inactive, Loth.

_To_ FLUTHER, _v. n._ To be in a great bustle, S.

Su. G. _fladdr-a_, id. E. _flutter_.

~Fluther~, _s._ Hurry, bustle, S.

_A. Douglas._

FLUTHER, _s._ Rise in a river, not so great as a spate, S. B.

V. ~Flodder.~

FOAL, _s._ A bannock or cake, any soft and thick bread, Orkn.

Belg. _bol_, a small loaf.

FOCHE, _s._ A pretence.


Su. G. _puts_, a fetch, techna.

FODE, FOODE, FWDE, _s._ Brood.


Su. G. _affoeda_, id. from _foed-a_, gignere.

FODGEL, _adj._ Squat and plump, S. O.


Teut. _voedsel_, Isl. _faedsla_, cibus.

FOG, FOUGE, _s._ Moss, S.


Dan. _fug_, mossiness.

_To_ ~Fog~, _v. n._ To be covered with moss, S.


~Foggit~, _adj._ Supplied with moss; metaph. supplied in any respect; _weel-foggit_, well-furnished, S.


~Foggie~, _adj._

1. Mossy, S.

_A. Douglas._

2. Dull, lumpish.

_Z. Boyd._

_To_ ~Fog~, _v. a._ To eat heartily, S. B.

FOGGIE, _s._ An invalid, or garrison soldier, S.

Su. G. _fogde_, formerly, one who had the charge of a garrison.

FOY, _s._

1. An entertainment given to one about to leave any place of residence, or go abroad, S.


2. Metaph., as equivalent to wishing one a good journey.

Belg. _de fooi geeven_, Sw. _dricka foi_, coenam profect.i.tiam dare.

FOYNYIE, FUNYIE, _s._ The wood-martin, or beech-martin, S.

_K. Quair._

Fr. _fouine_, id.

FOIR GRANDSYR, Great-grandfather.

_Acts Ja. I._


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