FORSCOMFIST, _part. pa._

1. Overcome with heat, S.

V. ~Scomfist~.

2. Nearly suffocated by a bad smell, S.

_To_ FORSET, _v. a._

1. To overpower with work, S.

2. To surfeit, S.

Teut. _ver-saet-en_, obsaturare.

~Forset~, _s._

1. The act of overpowering, S.

2. A surfeit, S.

FORSEL, _s._ A matt for defending a horse"s back, Orkn.

Su. G. _foer_, before, and Isl. _sile_, the handle of the dorsets.

FORSY, FORCY, FORSS, _adj._ Powerful. Superl. _forseast_.


FORSLITTIN, _part. pa._ L. _forflittin_, scolded to excess.


_To_ FORSPEAK, _v. a._

1. To injure, according to vulgar superst.i.tion, by immoderate praise, S.

O. E.

_Gl. Sibb._

2. To consecrate by charms.

Hence, _Fore-spoken water_, Orkn.

Belg. _voorspook_, an omen.


~Forespeaking~, _s._ Such commendation as is supposed thus to injure the person or thing spoken of, S.

_Statist. Acc._

_To_ FORSTa, _v. a._ To understand, S.

Su. G. _foersta-n_, id.


FORSTARIS, _s._ A female inhabitant of a forest.


_To_ FORSURNE, _v. a._ To spend.

Teut. _versorg-en_, curare.

_K. Hart._

FORSWIFt.i.t, _part. pa._ Strayed.


Sw. _foer_, intensive, and _swaef-a_, to wander.

FORTAIVERT, _part. pa._ Much fatigued, S.

FORTHENS, _adv._ At a distance.



1. Rash; S. B.


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