~Frane~, _s._ Inquiry.

_Chron. S. P._

_To_ FRATE, _v. n._ To chafe by friction.

Su. G. _fraet-a_, to gnaw.


_To_ FRAUCHT, FRAWCHT, _v. a._ To freight, S.

_Acts Ja. IV._

Teut. _vracht-en_, vectare, Sax. _fracht-en_.

~Fraught~, ~Frawcht~, _s._

1. Freight of a vessel, S.


2. The fare, S.

Teut. _vracht_.


~Frauchtisman~, _s._ One who has the charge of loading a vessel.

_Acts Ja. III._



A. S. _fra_, and _weard_, denoting place.

FRAWFULL, _adj._ Perhaps, malapert.

A. S. _fraefel_, praec.o.x.


_To_ FRE, _v. n._ To inquire.

_Maitland P._

Su. G. _fra_, Isl. _frae_, id.

FRE, _adj._ n.o.ble.


A. S. _freo_, ingenuus.

FRE, _adj._ Beautiful.


O. Su. G. _fri_, pulcher.

~Fre~, _s._ A lady, from the adj.

_Maitland P._

_To_ FREATH, _v. n._ To froth, S.


_To_ ~Freath~, _v. a._ To work up into froth, S.


~Freath~, _s._ Froth, S.

Dan. _fraade_, spuma.

FRECHURE, _s._ Coolness.

_Chron. S. P._

Fr. _fraischure_, id.

FRECK, _adj._

V. ~Frack~.

FREDFULL, _adj._ Read _frendfull_, Friendly.

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