
GRATINIS, L. _gratius_, gracious.


GRATNIZIED, _part. pa._ Quilled.

Fr. _gratigne_, scratched.


_To_ GRa.s.sIL, GRISSEL, GIRSSIL, _v. n._ To rustle.


Fr. _gresill-er_, to crackle.

GRAVIN, GRAWYN, Interred. V. ~Graif~, _v._ 1.

GRAUIS, _s. pl._ Groves.


A. S. _graf_, lucus.

GRAUNT. _adj._ Great.


GRE, GREE, _s._

1. A step.

_Pal. Hon._

2. Degree, quality.


3. The superiority.


_To wyn the gree_, to be victor, S.

4. The prize.

_To bear the gre_, to carry off the prize, S.


5. Vogue, celebrity.

_Gl. Shirr._

6. Humour.


7. Degree in measurement.


8. Degree of affinity.


GRECHES, _v._ Perhaps, frets.

_Sir Gawan._

GREDUR, _s._ Greediness.


_To_ GREE, _v. n._ To agree, S.


Fr. _gre-er_, id.

_To_ ~Gree~, _v. a._ To reconcile those at variance, S.

GREE, _s._

1. Tinge, dye.

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