Fr. _gousse_, stuffed with eating.

_To_ GUST, _v. a._

1. To taste, S.

_Chalm. Air._

2. To give a relish to.


_To_ ~Gust~, _v. n._

1. To eat.


2. To have a relish of.


3. To smell.


4. To learn from experience.

_G. Buchanan._

Lat. _gust-are_, Fr. _goust-er_.

~Gust~, _s._ A relish, S.

_Abp. Hamiltoun._

~Gusted~, _part._ Having a savour.


~Gusty~, _adj._ Savoury, S.


GUSTARD, _s._ The great bustard.


GUT, _s._ The gout, S.


GUTSY, _adj._ Gluttonous, S.

From E. _guts_.

_To_ GUTTER, _v. n._ To do any thing in a dirty way, Ang.

~Gutters~, _s. pl._ Mire, dirt.


Su. G. _gyttia_, mire.

~Guttery~, _adj._ Miry, S.

GUTTY, _adj._ Thick, gross; applied both to persons and things, S.


HAAF, HA-AF, HAAF-FISHING, _s._ The fishing of ling, cod, and tusk, Shetl.


_To go to haaf_ or _haaves_, to go out to the main sea, Orkn.

Isl. Su. G. _haf_, mare.

~Haaf-fish~, _s._ The great seal, Shetl.

HAAFLANG, _adj._ Half-grown.

V. ~Halflin~.

HAAR, _s._

1. A fog, S.

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