1. Anger, vexation, Ang.

Isl. _keli_, dolor.

2. A stroke, Ang., also _keelup_.

KEELING, KELING, KEILING, KILLING, KILLIN, _s._ Cod of a large size, S.


Isl. _keila_, Sw. _kolja_, a haddock.

KEELIVINE, KEELIVINE-PEN, _s._ A black-lead pencil, S. Perhaps q.

_guille de vigne_, a quill made from the vine.

_Sir J. Sinclair._

KEEPSAKE, _s._ A token of regard, S.

KEEST, _pret._ Puked, S. B.

KEETHING SIGHT, the view of the motion of a salmond, by marks in the water, S. B.

_Law Case._

This is the same with ~Kythe~, q. v.

_To_ KEIR, _v. a._ To drive, S. B.

_Bannatyne Poems._

Isl. _keir-a_, S. G. _koer-a_, to drive.

KEIR, _s._ In some parts of S., an ancient fortification.

C. B. _caer_, a fort.

_Statist. Acc._

_To_ KEYRTH, _v. a._ To scratch.

Su. G. _kratt-a_, id.


_To_ KEYTCH, _v. a._ To toss, S.

V. ~Cache~.


~Keytch~, ~Kytch~, _s._ A toss, S.


KEITH, _s._ A sort of dam, Perths.

_Stat. Acc._

Germ. _kette_, Su. G. _ked_, a chain.

_To_ KEKKIL, KEKIL, _v. n._

1. To cackle, S.

_Complaynt S._

2. To laugh aloud, S.


Teut. _kackel-en_, Su. G. _kakl-a_, id.

KELCHYN, KELTEN, _s._ A mulct paid by one guilty of manslaughter, generally to the kindred of the person killed.

_Reg. Maj._

Gael. _gial_ and _cinnea_, expl. "paid to one"s kinsmen;" or A. S.

_geld_, compensatio, and _cynn_, cognatio.

_To_ KELE, _v. a._ To kill.


A. S. _cwell-an_, id.

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