
V. ~Manys~.

L. B. _Mansus Dominicatus_, id.

MAYOCK, _s._ A mate.

V. ~Maik~.

MAYOCK FLOOK, a species of flounder, S.



1. An officer attending a sheriff for executions and arrestments, S.

_Acts Ja. I._

2. _Maire of fee_, a hereditary officer under the crown, whose power resembled that of sheriff-subst.i.tute in our times.

_Acts Ja. I._

Gael. _maor_, an officer; C. B. _maer_, a ruler; Arm. _maier_, the head of a village; Fr. _maire_, anc. _maier_, a mayor; Alem. _mer_, a prince.

3. The first magistrate of a royal borough.


MAIR, _adj._ More.

V. ~Mare~.

MAIRDIL, _adj._ Unwieldy, Ang.

Apparently from Gael. _muirtamhuil_, heavy, p.r.o.n. nearly as the S.


MAIRATOUR, _adv._ Moreover, S. B.


MAIROUIR, MAIROUR, _adv._ Moreover.

_Abp. Hamiltoun._

MAIRT, _s._ Winter provision.

V. ~Mart~.

MAIS, _conj._ But; Fr.

_Bannatyne P._

_To_ MAISE, MEYSE, _v. n._

V. ~Meise~.

MAYS, MAYSE, MAISS, _3 p.v._ Makes.


MAIST, MAST, _adj._

1. Most, denoting number or quant.i.ty, S.


2. Greatest in size, S.


3. Greatest in rank.


Moes. G. _maists_, A. S. _maest_, Isl. _mest_, id.

~Maist~, ~Mast~, _adv._

1. Most, S.


2. Almost, S.


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