_To_ MAK, MACK, MAKE, _v. n._

1. To compose poetry.


Alem. _gimahh-on_, componere.

2. To avail.

_It maks na_, it does not signify, S. B.


3. To a.s.sume prudish airs.

_Peblis Play._

~Mak~, ~Make~, _s._

1. Manner.


2. A poem, or work of genius.


~Makar~, ~Makkar~, _s._ A poet.


Alem. _machara_, auctores.

~Making~, _s._ Poetry.


~Makdome~, _s._

1. Shape.


2. Elegance of form.


_To_ ~Make~ _to_, _v. n._ To approximate.


MAKE, _s._ Mate.

V. ~Maik~.

MAKINT, p.r.o.n. _Maikint_, _adj._ Possessing a.s.surance, S. B.

Isl. _mak_, ease; Teut. _mak_, tame.

~Makintly~, ~Maikintly~, _adv._ Confidently, S. B.

MAKLY, _adv._ Equally.

Isl. _makligt_, A. S. _maccalic_, fit, equal.

MALDUCK, _s._ The fulmar.

MALEGRUGROUS, _adj._ Grim; apparently discontented, S.

Gael. _mala_, having gloomy brows, and _gruagach_, a female giant.

MALESON, MALISON, _s._ A curse, S.

O. Fr. _maleicon_, _maleison_, id.


MAL-GRACE, _s._ The opposite of being in a state of favour, Fr.


MALHURE, MALLEUR, _s._ Mischance.

_G. Buchanan._

~Mallewrus~, ~Malheurius~, _adj._ Unhappy.

Fr. _malheureux_.


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