1. Bodily disease.


2. Trouble of mind.

Fr. _malaise_, disease; q. _malum otium_.

MALING, _adj._ Malignant.



~Maling~, _s._ Injury, hurt.


MALISON, _s._ A curse.

V. ~Maleson~.

MALLACHIE, _adj._ Denoting the colour resembling milk and water mixed, S. B.

A. S. _meolec_, milk; Belg. _melkachtig_, milky.

_To_ MALLAT, _v. n._ To feed.


Isl. _maul-a_, masticare; or from _maal_, a meal, and _et-a_ to eat.

MALLOW, _s._ Zastera marina, Orkn.

MALMOCK, _s._ The Fulmar, Shetl.

Norv. id.


MALVESY, MAWESIE, _s._ Malmsey wine.

Fr. _malvoisie_, id.


MALVYTe, MAWYTe, _s._ Vice.

O. Fr. _malvetie_, id.


MALWARIS, _s. pl._ Mowers.


MAMMIE, _s._

1. A childish term for a mother, S.


Teut. _mamme_, mater.

2. A nurse, S. B.


Lat. _mamma_, Teut. _mamme_, the breast.

3. A midwife, S. B.

MAMUK, _s._ A fict.i.tious bird.


Fr. _mammuque_, id.

MAN, _s._

1. A va.s.sal.


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