
Sw. _maktlos_, Germ. _maghtlos_, id.

MAUK, _s._. A maggot.

V. ~Mauch~.

MAUKIN, _s._

1. A hare. S.


Gael. _maigheach_, id.

2. Metaph. a subject of discourse or disputation.


MAULIFUFF, _s._ A female without energy.

Germ. _mal_, speech, and _pfuffen_ to blow.

_To_ MAUM, _v. n._

1. To soften and swell by means of water, S.

2. To become mellow, S.

Teut. _molm_, caries, et pulvis ligni cariosi.

~Maumie~, _adj._ Mellow, S.

MAUN, _aux. v._ Must.

V. ~Mon~.

MAUN, used as forming a superlative, S.


_Muckle maun_, very big or large.

A. S. _maegen_, in composition, great or large.

MAUNDRELS, _s. pl._ Idle stuff, silly tales, Perths., Border.

Su. G. _men_, vulgatus, and Isl. _draeft_, sermo stultus.

MAUSEL, _s._ A mausoleum.

_Z. Boyd._

MAW. ~Sea-maw~, _s._ The common gull, S.

Dan. _maage_, id.

_To_ MAW, _v. a._

1. To mow, S.


2. To cut down in battle.


A. S. _maw-an_, Isl. _maa_, id.

MAWD, _s._ A shepherd"s plaid.

V. ~Maad~.


V. ~Malvesie~.


1. Ill-will.


2. Vexation, blame.

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