A. S. _mearc-ian_, designare.

MERKE SCHOT, the distance between the _bow markis_, in the exercise of archery.


MERKERIN, _s._ The spinal marrow, Ang.

_Mergh_, marrow; and Germ. _kern_, pith; q. that which const.i.tutes the pith of the body.

MERLE, _s._ The blackbird; Fr.

_Compl. S._

MERRY-BEGOTTEN, _s._ A spurious child, Ang.

MERRY-DANCERS, _s. pl._ The Aurora Borealis, S.

_Encycl. Brit._

MERTRIK, _s._ A marten.

V. ~Martrik~.

MERVYS, mars.

V. ~Mer~.


MES, MESS, _s._ Ma.s.s, S.

_G.o.dly Ballads._

~Mes~, or ~Ma.s.s John~, a ludicrous designation for the minister of a parish, S.; q. _Ma.s.s-priest_.

_Poems Buchan Dial._

MESALL, MYSEL, _adj._ Leprous.

Fr. _mesel_, id.


MESCHANT, _adj._

V. ~Mischant~.

_To_ MESE, _v. a._ To mitigate.

V. ~Meis~.

MESE _of herring_, five hundred herrings.


Isl. _meis_, a bag in which fish are carried.

MESH, _s._ A net for carrying fish, S.; from the same origin with _Mese_.

MESSAGE, _s._ Amba.s.sadors, Fr. id.



1. A small dog.


2. A country cur.


From _Messina_ in Sicily, whence this species was brought; or Fr.

_maison_, a house.

_To_ MESTER, _v. a._ Perhaps, to need.

V. ~Mister~.

_King"s Quair._

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