Gael. _modh_, modest; Dan. _moe_, a virgin.

~Moylie~, _adv._ Mildly.


MOYAN, _s._ A species of artillery, of a middle size.


Fr. _moyen_, moderate.


1. Means for attaining any end.

_R. Bruce._

2. Interest, S.


3. Means of subsistence.


_Be the moyan of_, by means of.

_R. Bruce._

4. Temporal substance, property.

Fr. _moyen_, a means.

_Acts Ja. VI._

_To_ ~Moyen, Moyan~, _v. a._

1. To accomplish by the use of means.

_R. Bruce._

2. To procure; implying diligence, S.

_A weil-moyent man_, one who has good means for procuring any thing, S.


Fr. _moyenn-er_, to procure.

~Moyener, Moyaner~, _s._ One who employs his interest for another.

_R. Bruce._

O. Fr. _moyennere_, mediateur.

~Moeynles~, _adj._ Dest.i.tute of interest.


_To_ MOIF, _v. a._ To move.


MOYT, _adj._ Many.

_King"s Quair._

O. Fr. _moult_, _mout_, much, Lat. _multum_.

_To_ MOKRE, _v. a._ To h.o.a.rd.

V. ~Mochre~.

MOLD, _s._ The ground.

V. ~Mulde~.

MOLE, _s._ Promontory.

V. ~Mull~.


MOLLACHON, _s._ A small cheese, Stirlings.

Gael. _mulachan_, a cheese.


1. The bit of a bridle.

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