
2. The ornament of a bridle.


~Mollet-brydyl~, _s._ A bridle having a curb.


Teut. _muyl_, the mouth; Isl. _mull_, Su. G. _myl_, a bridle, a curb.

_To_ MOLLET, _v. n._ Perhaps, to curb.

V. ~Mollat~.


MOLLIGRANT, _s._ Whining, complaining, Ang. _Molligrunt_, Loth.

Isl. _mogl-a_, murmur, and _graun_, os et nasus.

MOLLIGRUB, MULLYGRUB, _s._ The same with _molligrant_, S.


_Mulligrub_ is an E. word used in a similar sense in cant language.

MOMENT-HAND, _s._ The hand of a clock or watch which marks the seconds, S.

MON, MONE, MUN, MAUN, _aux. v._ Must.

Isl. _mun_, id.


_To_ MONE, _v. a._ To take notice of.


A. S. _mon-ian_, animadvertere.

MONE, _s._ Mane.

Isl. _moen_, id.

_Palice Honour._

MONE, _s._ The moon; _meen_, Aberd.

A. S. _mona_, Germ. _mon_, id.


~Moneth~, _s._ A month, still the p.r.o.nunciation of some old people, S.


A. S. _monath_, id., from _mona_, the moon.

MONESTING, _s._ Admonition.

V. ~Monyss~.


MONY, _adj._

1. Many, S.


2. Great, Border.

_Complaynt S._

A. S. _moneg_, Sw. _monga_, many.

MONYCORDIS, _s. pl._ A musical instrument.


Gr. ??????d??, unica intentus chorda.

MONIPLIES, MONNYPLIES, _s. pl._ That part of the tripe of a beast which consists of _many folds_, S.; the omasum.

_Ess. Highl. Soc._

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