_To_ MUSALL, MISSEL, _v. a._ To veil.
Su. G. _musla_, occultare.
_Acts Ja. II._
~Mussal~, ~Myssal~, ~Mussaling~, _s._ A veil.
MUSARDRY, _s._ Musing, dreaming.
Fr. _musardie_, id. _musard_.
MUSH, _s._ One who goes between a lover and his mistress, Fife.
Fr. _mousche_, a fly; metaph. an eave-dropper, a promoter.
V. ~Mowch~.
MUSHINFOW, _adj._ Cruel, W. Loth. apparently q. _mischantfou_.
1. Mossy. Teut. _mosch-en_, mucere.
_Pal. Hon._
2. Putrid, rotten.
MUSLIN-KAIL, _s._ Broth made of water, barley, and greens, S. q.
V. ~Maschlin~.
MUSSLING, _adj._ Uncertain.
_Z. Boyd._
MUST, _s._ Mouldiness.
Teut. _mos_, _mosse_, mucor.
MUST, _s._ Musk.
V. ~Muist~.
MUST, _s._ Hair-powder, or flour used for this purpose, S.; perhaps as anciently scented with _musk_, S. _must_.
MUSTARDE-STONE, _s._ A stone used for bruising _mustard_ seed, S.
_To_ MUSTUR, _v. n._ To make a great parade; q. To shew one"s self.
_To_ MUT, _v. n._ To meet.
Moes. G. _mot-jan_, Su. G. _moet-a_, id.
MUTCH, _s._ A head-dress for a female, S.
Teut. _mutse_, Su. G. _myssa_, id.
MUTCHKIN, _s._ A measure equal to an English pint, S.
_Acts Ja. I._
Belg. _mutsie_, denotes a quart.
MUTE, _s._