~Nivvil~, _s._ The same, S. B.

_To_ ~Nevell~, ~Navell~, ~Neffle~, _v. a._

1. To strike with the fists, S.


Su. G. _hnuff-a_, pugnis impetere.

2. To take hold with the fist, S.

Isl. _hnyf-a_, pugno prendo.

~Nevel~, ~Nevvel~, _s._ A blow with the fist, S.


~Nevelling~, ~Neffelling~, _s._ Fistiecuffs, S.


_To_ ~Neiffar~, ~"Niffer~, _v. a._ To barter; properly, to exchange what is held in one _fist_, for what is held in another, S.


~Neiffer~, ~Niffer~, _s._ A barter, S.


~Niffering~, i. e. The act of bartering.


_To_ NEK, _v. a._ To prevent receiving check, a term at chess.


Su. G. _nek-a_, to refuse.


1. A grandson.


Lat. _nepos_, a grandson.

2. A great grandson.


3. Posterity, though remote.


4. A brother"s or sister"s son.


A. S. _nepos_, _brother sune_, vel _suster sune_.

5. Any relation by blood.


NER, NERE, _prep._ Near, S.

A. S. _ner_, Su. G. Dan. _naer_.

~Nerhand~, ~Near hand~, _prep._ Near, S.


~Nere hand~, _adv._ Nearly.


~Ner til~, _prep._ Near to, S.

~Ner-sicht.i.t~, _adj._ Shortsighted, S.

Su. G. _naarsynt_, id.

NES, _s._ A promontory; _ness_, S.


A. S. _nesse_, Su. G. _naes_, Belg. _neus_, id.


V. ~Neis-thyrle~.

NESS. S. pl. _nessis_, Vallies.

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