1. Gim-cracks, S.


2. Whims, peculiarities of temper or conduct, S.


NYKIS, _3. p. pres. v._

_Gawan and Gol._

Perhaps allied to Su. G. _nek-a_, to deny.

NILD, L. _could_.

_Maitland Poems._

NYMNES, _s._ Neatness.


_To_ NIP, NIP _up_, or _awa_, _v. a._ To carry off cleverly by theft, S.


Isl. _knippe_, raptim moto.

~Nip~, ~Nimp~, _s._ A small bit of anything, S.

Su. G. _nypa_, id.

~Nip~, _s._ A bite, a term used in fishing, S.

~Nipcaik~, _s._ One who eats delicate food clandestinely, S.


~Nippit~, _adj._

1. n.i.g.g.ardly, S.

Su. G. _napp_, Isl. _hnepp-er_, arctus.

2. Scanty in any respect, S.


~Niplug~, _s._ _To be at niplug_, to quarrel, S.

NIPSHOT, _s._ _To play nipshot_, to give the slip.


Perhaps, q. to _nip_ one"s _shot_.

V. ~Shot~.

NIRL, _s._

1. A crumb, S.

2. A small knot, S. B.

3. A puny dwarfish person, S. B.

Teut. _knorre_, tuber, E. _knurle_.

~Nirled~, _adj._ Stunted; applied to trees, Loth.

NIRLES, _s. pl._ A species of measles, S. which has no appropriate name in E.


NISBIT, _s._ The iron that across the nose of a horse, and joins the _branks_ together, Ang.

From _neis_, nose, and _bit_.

_To_ NYTE, _v. n._ To deny.


Isl. _neit-a_, Dan. _naegt-er_, id.

_To_ NYTE, _v. a._ To strike smartly.

V. ~Knoit~.

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