_Acts Ja. V._

Either to _pile_, or to pair.

V. ~Peel~.

PEILD, _adj._ Bald.

Fr. _pele_, id.

_Gl. Sibb._

PEILOUR, _s._ A thief.

V. ~Pelour~.

_To_ PEYNE, _v. a._ To forge.

V. ~Pene~.

_To_ PEYR, _v. a._ To impair.

V. ~Pare~.

PEIRS, _adj._ Sky-coloured.


O. Fr. _pers_, _perse_, caesius, glaucus.

_To_ PEIS, PEISS, PESE, _v. a._ To silence.


O. Fr. _faire pais_, faire silence; from Lat. _pax_; Roquefort.

PEYSIE-WHIN, _s._ The E. Greenstone, Ang., _peasie-whin_, Loth.; from the resemblance of the spots in it to _pease_.

PELE, PEYLL, PEILL, PEEL, PAILE, _s._ A place of strength, a fortification, properly of earth.


L. B. _pela_, _pelum_, id.; A. S. _pil_, moles, acervus.

PELL, _s._ A lazy, lumpish person, S. B.

Teut. _pelle_, a husk.

PELLACK, PELLOCK, _s._ A porpoise.

Gael. _pelog_, id.


PELLOCK, _s._ A bullet.

_Gawan and Gol._

Fr. _pelote_; C. B. _pel_, id.

PELLOTIS, _s. pl._

_Leg. St Androis._

O. Fr. _pelete_, pet.i.te peau; Roquef.

PELLOUR, PEILOUR, _s._ A thief.


_Pillour_, O. E. Fr. _pilleur_, a ravager.

PELT, _s._ A term of reproach; _Foul pelt_, q. foul _skin_.


PELTIN-POCK, _s._ A _pock_ or bag for guarding the thighs from the _stroke_ given by the _flauchter-spade_, Ang.

PELTRY, PALTRIE, _s._ Vile trash, S.

_G.o.dly Sangs._

Su. G. _paltor_, old rags, Teut. _palt_, a fragment; or _pelt_, a skin.

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