PYK-MAW, PICK-MAW, _s._ A kind of gull.


PILCH, _s._

1. A gown made of skin.

A. S. _pylece_, toga pellicea.


2. A tough skinny piece of meat, S.

3. Any thing short and gross, S.

~Pilch~, _adj._ Thick, gross, S.

PILE, PYLE, _s._

1. In pl. the soft hair, which first appears on the faces of young men.


2. A tender blade, S.


3. A single grain, S.

_Gl. Shirr._

Teut. _pyl_, Fr. _poil_, Lat. _pil-us_, a hair.

PYLE, _s._ A small javelin; or an arrow for a cross-bow.

_Stat. Will._

Su. G. _pil_, Lat. _pil-um_, a javelin.

PYLEFAT, _s._ L. _gylefat_, q. v.


PILGET, PILGIE, _s._ A broil, S. B.

_Poems Buch. Dial._

Belg. _belgh-en_, to combat.

PILGREN, PYLGRYNE, _s._ A pilgrim, Fr. _pelegrin_.


_To_ PILK, _v. a._

1. To take out of a husk or sh.e.l.l, S. B.

2. To pilfer, S. B.

E. _pluck_, or Teut. _plock-en_, id.

PILLAN, _s._

A species of sea-crab, Fife.



V. ~Pelure~.

PILLOW, _s._ A tumultuous noise, S. B.

V. ~Hillie-billow~.

PILTOCK, _s._ The coal fish, a year old, Orkn.

PIN, _s._ Summit.


Teut. _pinne_, Germ. _pfin_, summitas.

PINALDS, _s._ A spinet; Fr. _espinet_.

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