Isl. _prion-a_, to weave.

~Pirn~, _s._ The wheel of a fishing-rod, S.

_Sir J. Sinclair._

~Pirnyt~, ~Pyrnit~, _part. pa._ Striped with different colours.


~Pirnie~, _adj._ Having unequal threads, or different colours, S.


Isl. _prion_, lanificium textile.

PIRR, _s._ A gentle breeze, S.

Isl. _byr_, _bir_, ventus secundus.

PIRRIEHOUDEN, _adj._ Fond, doating, Perths.

PIRZIE, _adj._ Conceited, Loth.

Fr. _parsoy_, by one"s self.

PYSAN, _s._ A gorget.

V. ~Pesane~.

PISMIRE, _s._ A steelyard, Orkn.

V. ~Bismar~.


p.i.s.sANCE, _s._ Power.


Fr. _puissance_, id.

~p.i.s.sant~, _adj._ Powerful.


Fr. _puissant_, id.

PIT ~and~ GALLOWS, a privilege conferred on a baron, according to our old laws, of having on his ground a _pit_ for drowning women, and _gallows_ for hanging men, convicted of theft.


Teut. _Put ende Galghe_.

PITTAL, _s._ Rabble.

V. ~Pettail~.

PYTANE, _s._ A young child; a term of endearment, S.

Fr. _pet.i.t un_, my little one; or _peton_, a fondling term used by nurses in Fr.

_To_ PITY, _v. n._ To regret.


~Pitiful~, _adj._ To be regretted, S.


PITTIL, _s._ Some kind of fowl.


_To_ PITTER-PATTER, _v. n._

1. To repeat prayers after the Romish manner.


2. To make a chattering noise by inconstant motion of the feet, S.

V. ~Patter~.

_L. Hailes._

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