2. A rhapsody.


3. An account, in order to a settlement.


Ital. _ragionamento_, a discourse.

RAGMAN"S ROW, or ROLL, a collection of those deeds by which the n.o.bility and gentry of Scotland were constrained to subscribe allegiance to Edward I. of England, A. 1296.


Isl. _raeg-a_, to accuse, _raege_, an accuser; hence the devil is called _Rageman_, P. Ploughm.

RAGWEED, _s._ Ragwort, S.


_To_ RAY, _v. a._ To array.


~Ray~, _s._ Military arrangement.


RAY, _s._ Uncertain.


Su. G. _ra_, Isl. _raege_, daemon.

RAY, REE, _adj._ Mad, wild.

V. ~Ree~.

_Gl. Sibb._

RAYATT, Barbour. L. _ryotyt_, rioted.

RAID, _s._ An inroad, S.

V. ~Rade~.

RAID, _s._ A road for ships.

V. ~Rade~.

RAYEN, RAYON, _s._ A ray.


Fr. _rayon_, id.

RAIF, _part. pa._ Rent.

_Pal. Hon._

Su. G. _rifw-a_, to rive.

RAIF, _s._ Robbery.

_Complaynt S._

A. S. _reaf_, spolia; _reaf-ian_, to rob.

_To_ RAIF, _v. n._ To rave.


Belg. _rev-en_, Fr. _resv-er_.

_To_ RAIK, RAKE, RAYK, REYKE, _v. n._

1. To range, S.


2. To move expeditiously, S.

_Sir Gawan._

3. _To raik on raw_, to march in order.

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