1. To excite, S.


2. To madden; _rais"d_, delirious, S.

Alem. _raiz-en_, irritare; Su. G. _ras-a_, insanire.

RAISE-NET FISHING, allowing the lower part of the net to _rise_ and float with the flowing tide, and to fall down with the ebb, Dumfr.

_Stat. Acc._

RAISS, Ra.s.sE, RASE, RACE, _s._ A strong current in the sea, S.


Teut. _raes_, aestuarium.

RAITH, REATH, _s._ The fourth part of a year, S.


Gael. _ratha_, _raithe_, id.; Su. G. _ret_, Isl. _reit-r_, quadratum quodvis.

RAITH, _adj._

1. Sudden, quick.


A. S. _hraeth_, celer, Isl. _hradr_, promptus.

2. Ready, prepared.


~Raith~, _adv._ Quickly.

A. S. _rath_, id.


RAIVEL, _s._ A rail, S.

Fr. _verre-vel_, id.

_To_ RAK, _v. a._ To reach.


A. S. _raec-an_, Su. G. _raeck-a_, id.

_To_ RAK, REK, _v. a._ To regard.


A. S. _rec-an_, Isl. _raek-ia_, curare.

~Rak~, _s._ Care.

V. ~Raik~.

RAK, RAWK, ROIK, ROOK, _s._ A thick mist or fog, S.


Isl. _rak-ur_, humidus; Teut. _roock_, vapor.

RAK, RAWK, _s._ The rheum which distils from the eyes during sleep, S.


Isl. _hrak_, rejectaneum quid.


RAK, RAWK, _s._ The greenish sc.u.m on stagnated water, S. B.


RACK, _s._ A shock; a blow.


Isl. _rek-a_, _hreck-ia_, propellere, quatere.

RAK-SAUCH, _s._ A reproachful term; q. applied to one who deserves to _rack_, or stretch, a withy.

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