_Journ. Lond._

Sw. _rundel_, a round building.

2. The end of a rafter or beam.

_Gl. Shirr._

Su. G. _rand_, extremity, and _tilia_, A. S. _thil_, a joist.

3. A tall raw-boned person, S. A.



V. ~Rountree~.

RAP, RAPE, _s._ A rope.

V. ~Raip~.

_To_ RAP, _v. n._ To fall in quick succession.


Su. G. _rap-a_, praeceps ruo, procido.

RAP, _s._

1. A cheat, an impostor, S.

2. A counterfeit coin; _a mere rap_, S.

Su. G. _rapp-a_, vi ad se protrahere.

RAP, _s. In a rap_, immediately, S.


Su. G. _rapp_, Belg. _rap_, quick.

_To_ ~Rap~ _aff_ a thing, to do it expeditiously, Loth.

_To_ ~Rap~ _forth_, or _out_, _v. a._ To throw out forcibly.


~Rape~, _adv._ Hastily.


RAPEGYRNE, _s._ The name anciently given to the little figure made of the last handful of grain cut on the harvest field, now called the _Maiden_.


Su. G. _rep-a_, to reap; and _gerna_, greedily; Isl. _girn-a_, cupere; q. what is reaped with great eagerness.

RAPLACH, RAPLACK, RAPLOCK, REPLOCH, _s._ Coa.r.s.e woollen cloth, homespun, and not dyed, S.


Su. G. _rep-a_, vellere, and _lock_, cirrus; q. the _lock_ of wool, as _plucked_ from the animal.

~Raploch~, _adj._ Coa.r.s.e.


_To_ RAPPLE _up_, _v. a._ To do work in a hurried and imperfect manner, S. B.

Isl. _hrap-a_, festinare.

_To_ RARE, RAIR, _v. n._ To roar.

A. S. _rar-an_, id.


~Rare~, ~Rair~, _s._

1. A roar.


2. A loud report of any kind, S.

_To_ RAS, _v. a._ To raise.


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