
2. Order, S.

Isl. _raud_, id.

3. Rubbish, S.

V. ~Outredd~.

~Red~, ~Redd~, _part. adj._

1. Put in order, S.

A. S. _hraed_, paratus.

2. Used as E. _ready_, S. B.

3. Distinct; opposed to confusion, S. B.

~Redding-straik~, _s._ The stroke which one often receives in attempting to separate those who are fighting, S.


~Redsman~, _s._ One who clears away rubbish, Loth.

_To_ RED, _v. a._

1. To disenc.u.mber, E. _rid._


2. To rescue from destruction.


3. Denoting the act of persons who remove from a place.


Su. G. _raedd-a_, A. S. _hredd-an_, liberare.

~Red~, _s._ Riddance.

_Maitland P._

_To_ RED, _v. a._ To overpower.


A. S. _raed-an_, regere.

RED, _adj._ Afraid.

V. ~Rad~.


~Reddour~, _s._ Dread.


RED, REDD, _s._

1. Sp.a.w.n, S.

C. B. _rhid_, _rhith_, sperma; _rhid-io_, coire.

2. The place in which salmon or other fish deposit their sp.a.w.n, S. A.

To ~Red~, _v. n._ To sp.a.w.n, S.

_To_ REDACT, _v. a._ To reduce.

Lat. _redact-us_.


RED-BELLY, RED-WAME, _s._ The charr, S. B.

_Stat. Acc._

REDCAP, _s._ A name given by the vulgar to a domestic spirit, S. A.

_Minstr. Bord._

REDE, _adj._ Fierce, furious.


A. S. _reth_, ferox, saevus.

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